Decision details

Events Programme 25/26

Decision Maker: Cabinet

Decision status: For Determination

Is Key decision?: Yes


To agree the Events Programme for 2025/26


Cabinet considered The Events Programme for 2025/26 which included events that ranged from large public events such as the Hemlock Happening, Play Days, Christmas Light Switch On events and Green Festivals. The programme, in addition covered civic events including Remembrance Sunday and Holocaust Memorial Day. Small community events aimed at specific groups such as housing tenants, businesses and special interest groups was also included.  Events aimed to target areas of relative deprivation, as well as being inclusive. They also reflected the diversity of the population of the Borough by taking into account factors such as age, gender, ethnic background, religious beliefs, disabilities and the needs of other groups.


The 2024 Events Programme was awarded £30,000 from the Arts Council to deliver the Broxtowe Creates Festival, with cultural events and activities across the Borough throughout June 2024. Key learnings from the 2024/25 Events Programme included providing free community events, such as the Hemlock Happening and Play Days, engaged a wider range of individuals and consideration of finding new ways to adapt events with unpredictable weather would reduce the need for events to be cancelled as well as loss of income.


It was suggested that the Beeston Play day event could be organised as a Beeston Carnival event and consideration would be given to adding Proms in the Park within the Borough to the Programme. It was suggested that collaboration could be pursued with the existing Community Committee, and CCities programme. It was aimed to extend ‘Friday18’ to Kimberley after being trialled successfully at Beeston. 


RESOLVED that the proposed Events Programme for 2025/26 be approved.



The Events Programme supports the Corporate priorities and objectives by promoting active and healthy lifestyles in every area of Broxtowe.

Report author: Faye Ellis

Publication date: 04/02/2025

Date of decision: 04/02/2025

Decided at meeting: 04/02/2025 - Cabinet

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