Decision details

Food Waste and Simpler Recycling

Decision Maker: Cabinet

Decision status: For Determination

Is Key decision?: Yes


To update Members on progress regards food waste collections, particulary around options for trade waste food waste implementation, due April 2025. The report will also provide an update on simpler recycling initiatives.


Members received an update on progress regards food waste collections, particularly around options for trade waste implementation which was due by 31 March 2025. Consideration was also given to Simpler Recycling initiatives.


RESOLVED that the fees and charges for Trade waste food collections be approved.



This is in accordance with the Council’s Corporate Priority of Environment – Protect the environment for the future.

Report author: Emma Georgiou

Publication date: 10/01/2025

Date of decision: 07/01/2025

Decided at meeting: 07/01/2025 - Cabinet

Accompanying Documents: