Decision details

Biodiversity Net Gain Monitoring Fees

Decision Maker: Cabinet

Decision status: For Determination

Is Key decision?: Yes


To set out a charging schedule for monitoring of S106 agreements for Biodiversity Net Gain (BNG) sites for all sites where such an obligation exists and to justify and seek approval for such.


Members considered a report which stated that Mandatory Biodiversity Net Gain (BNG) commenced in February 2024, with any development larger than one dwelling legally required to contribute. This meant there was a requirement for any developer to show an enhancement of 10% BNG on their respective development, and this had to be in place for 30-years. The main reason behind this was that BNG had significantly diminished and this approach would attempt to redress that balance. In some instances, this issue could be covered through a planning condition, but for the majority of cases this matter will be outlined within an accompanying S106 agreement agreed alongside any planning permission. The developer will be required to provide the Local Planning Authority with a copy of its site monitoring reports at agreed intervals throughout the 30-year period.


Members agreed that following benchmarking of other authorities that the charging schedule that was originally included in the report should be increased, while further consideration would be given to the wording of the banding sizes.



1.     The charging schedule for the Biodiversity Net Gain monitoring fees be approved as follows:

Very small Sites – £2,500

Small Sites – £5,000

Medium Sites – £7,500

Large Sites – £10,000

Very Large Sites – £20,000

2.     Delegation be given to the Head of Planning and Economic Development, in consultation with the Chair, to determine the appropriate banding sizes and wording.



This is in accordance with several of the Council’s Corporate Aims but especially the priority of Environment – protect the environment for the future.

Report author: Ryan Dawson

Publication date: 10/01/2025

Date of decision: 07/01/2025

Decided at meeting: 07/01/2025 - Cabinet

Accompanying Documents: