Decision details


Decision Maker: Cabinet

Decision status: Recommendations Approved


Cabinet was updated on the feasibility review on transferring the events and museums services back in-house from LLeisure Limited.


Currently events were organised by the Councils employees across a number of Council departments and teams including Civic services, communities, environment, housing, economic development and others. It was a possibility that bringing LLeisure’s events and museums team within the Council’s structure would make communication and co-ordination of all events more co-ordinated and resilient. The events and museums aspects of work within LLeisure were costly and loss making and detracted from the financial success of LLeisure.


RESOLVED that a feasibility review is carried out on the costs, benefits, and risks of transferring the events and museums service back in-house, to be reported back to the September Cabinet.




The review would assess the financial implications for the company and the Council. It would identify risks and benefits of the transfer in-house.


Publication date: 19/07/2022

Date of decision: 19/07/2022

Decided at meeting: 19/07/2022 - Cabinet

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