Decision Maker: Cabinet
Decision status: Recommendations Approved
Cabinet considered requests for grant assistance with the protocol for the consideration of grant aid to Parish and Town Councils.
Awsworth Parish Council had requested £500 towards the cost of the local Queen’s Platinum Jubilee Celebrations. A resubmission from Nuthall Parish Council for funding up to £2,590 towards the purchase of two new defibrillators to be installed outside Horsendale and Mornington areas of the Parish and a resubmission from Kimberley town Council for three grants requests including, Christmas light-switch on, electrical connection for a defibrillator and improved disabled access Stag Recreation Ground.
Members debated the grant requests and felt some of the requests could come from Parish Councils own reserves. There was a need, going forward not to make a precedent on universal items. It was suggested that other funding opportunities may be available with the provision of defibrillators from The Football Association and information should be provided.
RESOLVED that a number of grants requests are approved accordingly.
1. Awsworth – £500
2. Nuthall Parish – £2,590
3. Kimberley Town Council – £6,700 (for the Christmas Light Switch on).
Consideration was given in respect of awarding grants. As part of the Protocol, Grant Aid would only be given in support of specific projects or services and not as a general grant towards the services provided by a Parish/Town Council. There was no budgetary provision for Capital grants to Parish Councils. The grant aid requests were in line with the current Corporate Plan aims for supporting people to live well and provide a safe place for everyone.
Publication date: 19/07/2022
Date of decision: 19/07/2022
Decided at meeting: 19/07/2022 - Cabinet
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