Decision Maker: Cabinet
Decision status: For Determination
Is Key decision?: Yes
To confirm the Council's approach to exploring
a ne w funding opportunity for proposals to transform the Health
and Well Being of Eastwood
Members considered a report which informed that during 2021/22, the Council had prepared a submission for the Levelling Up Fund for Eastwood which was unsuccessful. The centrepiece of this bid was the D.H. Lawrence Library, Health and Life Chances Centre, which incorporated a new wellbeing hub in the heart of the town centre.
It was suggested that further investigation should be considered for a remote working space for lone workers with disabilities. It was important that the Council had a community and social response for residents.
RESOLVED unanimously to approve the requirement for funds up to £15,000 to develop a revised proposition, supported by a business case, for a Health and Wellbeing Centre in Eastwood, capable of successful submission to appropriate funding institutions.
The multi-purpose building would serve to improve health outcomes and generate footfall in Eastwood town centre.
Report author: Jonathon Little
Publication date: 14/03/2025
Date of decision: 11/03/2025
Decided at meeting: 11/03/2025 - Cabinet
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