Decision Maker: Cabinet
Decision status: For Determination
Is Key decision?: No
To consider requests for grant aid in
accordance with the provisions of the Council’s Grant Aid
Cabinet considered requests for grant aid in accordance with the provisions of the Council’s Grant Aid Policy.
RESOLVED that the grants be made as follows:
5th Stapleford Scout Group 4,500
2nd Beeston Sea Scouts 2,150
Age Concern Eastwood 10,000
2nd Kimberley Scout Group 7,000
Stapleford Community Association 3,000
D H Lawrence Music Festival 2,500
Beeston Film Festival 3,000
Bramcote Cricket Club 1,000
Chilwell Community Association 3,150
Stapleford Community Group 10,700
Eastwood People’s Initiative 2,500
Phoenix Community Foundation 10,000
Young Individual Boxing Competitor 1,000
The Council is empowered to make grants to voluntary organisations by virtue of Section 48 Local Government Act 1985 (as well as other Legislation). Having an approved process in accordance with legislation and the Council’s Grant Aid Policy would ensure the Council’s compliance with its legal duties.
(Having declared an other-registerable interests Councillors M Radulovic MBE and H E Skinner left the meeting before discussion or voting thereon. Councillor G Marshall chaired the meeting for the item.)
Report author: Chris Fish
Publication date: 14/03/2025
Date of decision: 11/03/2025
Decided at meeting: 11/03/2025 - Cabinet
Accompanying Documents: