Decision details

Legal Agreement for the construction of Industrial Units

Decision status: Recommendations approved

Is Key decision?: Yes



1.          The Deputy Chief Executive and Section 151 Officer in consultation with the Chief Executive, Leader of the Council and Deputy Leader of the Council be authorised to sign a Heads of Terms (summary of terms shown in the end of section 3) and subsequent contracts binding the Council into a development project managed by the relevant company offering terms.

2.          The Deputy Chief Executive and Section 151 Officer in consultation with the Chief Executive, Leader of the Council and Deputy Leader of the Council be authorised to sign a Heads of Terms (summary terms shown in the table at the end of section 3) and subsequent contracts binding the Council into a land purchase with the alternate/ additional company offering terms, in order to develop a site capable of providing small and micro industrial units.

3.          The terms of the agreement(s) be reported back to Cabinet to provide assurance that the build strategy is affordable within the LUF envelope.



This will allow the Council to continue to adhere to the governance arrangements for the delivery of this levelling up programme that align with the Council’s existing governance arrangements to ensure good governance and transparent decision making.

Report author: Jonathon Little

Publication date: 25/07/2024

Date of decision: 23/07/2024

Decided at meeting: 23/07/2024 - Cabinet

Accompanying Documents: